Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Apr 18, 2011

Bailey's Baptism

Bailey's Baptism was beautiful, just like the weather that day. She was such an angel. We had so many family and friends to share the special occasion with us. Almost everyone had to drive anywhere from 1-6 hours to be with us. A HUGE thank you to Nana (especially Nana, who never sits down and is constantly doing something for me, John, and the kids) and Opa for making almost all the food, doing my laundry, and cleaning my house! They really made the day so much easier on us! And I can't forget my Mom, Janet, and Uncle Joe brought some delicious food too! All the Dad's helped watch and play with the kids outside~they all had a blast! **The reason I did not label the pictures is because my blog is doing crazy things to my layout. I will have it one way before I post it and once I do, it completely changes my format . I will change it back 100 times and it will STILL mess it up. You have no idea how frustrating it can be, so if anyone knows some tips on how to fix it, please let me know!!!

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