Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Apr 13, 2011

1/2 Birthdays!

I can't believe we have a 6 month old and a 2 1/2 year old! Where has the time gone?!?!

JACKSON: He makes us laugh ALL day long! Watching him grow has been amazing. He is talking so great these days. He says things like, "Have to be careful", "have to share", "Stay home or go home" (and he understands the concept), "go to fishy store" (walmart!LOL), "Bailey sleep in da car", "wake up Bailey" (most the time I don't want her to!), "have to be quiet, Bailey sleeping" (and he whispers it). And a million other things...he is doing so much better with his words and remembering things. He just learned to give me butterfly kisses (flapping eyelashes up and down on my cheek~SOOO cute!). He also LOVES to dance and sing...he does both ALL DAY LONG! He sings row-row-row your boat and a bunch of other songs. In the car he yells, "uh uh, good song Mama, good song" b/c he wants me to turn up the radio and sing/dance with him :) He is doing great with pee-peeing on the potty! Now to the things we need to improve on...he is STILL wearing pull-ups and doing # 2 in his pants, but we will get there eventually! He throws the most MASSIVE temper tantrums and freaks out when he thinks people are not coming with him somewhere or when he can't have something he wants. Needless to say, he still sits in time out A LOT! He has gotten better and explaining what he did wrong though. When I ask him to tell me he says, "no throw toy" or "no screaming" (which is says OFTEN! hahaha).

BAILEY: Here are Bailey's stats...

Height: 26 1/4 inches (75th %ile)

Weight: 15 lbs 8 oz (50th %ile)

She is doing great otherwise! She can sit up now (for about 3-4 min before falling over with no bobby pillow around her and a long time when she has it around her). She is eating stage 2 foods now and has tried just about everything. She is not a big eater (with both baby food or the bottle) and never has been, but she seems to be gaining weight ok. She can hold her own bottle, especially when she is super hungry. She has just now this week started to wake up only once a night (keeping my fingers crossed). She rolls over both ways and has been doing that for a while now. She has two super cute bottom teeth :) She has what we like to call a "Kung Fu grip". Seriously, we have to warn people watch out when they hold her that she can grip your face or neck~and it HURTS! hahaha! She can get up on all 4's and does it a lot when she is getting up from her nap b/c she is so excited to see me (one of my favorite parts of the day!). She wakes up at 8am, takes a nap at about 9:30am or 10am for usually 2 hs...sometimes more or less. Then takes a nap at 2pm for 2-3 hours (this is the time when I get the most done b/c Jackson is down at that time too!), then off to bed at 8pm.

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