Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Jun 3, 2011

Pool Time!!

Jessi with Bailey :)

Jackson and Liam

Sweet Baby Olivia doing what she does best :)

We spend nearly everyday during the summer at the pool. There is not much else you can do outside in the heat with a 2 1/2 year old and a 8 month old. No matter what, you have to lather them up in sunscreen if you go anywhere might as well go to the pool! Fortunately Jessi is on maternity leave still so we get to hang out all the time and she has the best pool EVER! It is even better than Whitewater for little ones! I should have taken pics of all the cool stuff they have! We have gone to our pool a few times too and the kids LOVE it.

Everyday Jackson gets better. Even today he said, "Mama go under!" which I did. Then all the sudden he dunked himself under!! He came up with a little frightened, but with a GREAT BIG smile! He proceeded to do it about 50 times! It was soooo cute! I never make him feel any pressure to do something he is not ready to do, but I guess he is just watching all the big kids and wanting to be like them. All the big kids at our pool have been SO nice to both the kids. He makes a new friend EVERY day and they are always at least 3 times his age. I love the questions I get..."are they twins?!?!", "does he talk", "does she walk". and they are endless! They play ball with him and even pull him around in their floats (with me right next to him the whole time!). We are all usually exhausted after going to the pool~we lug the entire world with us and I have it down to an exact science of how I pack and get ready for the pool.  If you want to come to our pool please let me know! We love having friends with us!!
**Another Amy tip from when Jackson was a baby: NEVER put the swim diapers on until you get to the pool...they don't hold pee pee AT ALL! It just leaks right out. I have had Bailey do it on my lap before and I was very glad it was not in her car seat on the way there ;) Which brings up another gross issue that John jokes about...good thing they have LOTS of chlorine in the pools ;)

1 comment:

Ali said...

So fun! You're right about this heat. The pool is definitely the way to go.