Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dec 20, 2010

Our Big Boy!

As I told you in an earlier post, Jackson started to climb out of the pack-n-play over the Thanksgiving break. We stayed at my Mom's house while John was out of town and my Mom does not have a crib, so we made the leap and put him in a "big boy bed". Well, he did great! He did so well when we got home we moved his bed up against the wall, put a rail up, and got rid of the crib for good! We basically had to because if we ever spend the night out anywhere he can no longer sleep in a pack-n-play and we don't want to take any chances with him climbing out of the crib either. I check on him in the middle of the night when I am feeding Bailey and can't believe he has gotten so big, where has the time gone?!?!
He is just getting so big so fast! He says the funniest things. He really has a great sense of humor. He pointed out a red truck on the road and said "Daddy Truck" and it was just so cute how he associates all red trucks with his Dad.
His favorite things to talk about are
"see Daddy, see Daddy"
"me-ci-dine" = medicine...he has been taking a lot of it lately b/c he has strep :(, plus he sees Bailey taking her acid reflux medicine everyday.
"Bay-yee downstairs" = Bailey downstairs or whoever is downstairs at the time
"nated noody" = naked nudey, he LOVES to be naked and wishes he could be all the time!
"open door" =he does say this when he wants a door open, but he also says it when he wants anything at all super cute!
"watch Ru-off/fishes/Buzz and any movie he loves" = watch the movie Rudolph the red nose reindeer and so on
"Trismas Tree light"
"tank too Mama" = thank you Mama
"more mo-dirt" = more yogurt
"TREAT" = anything yummy! But, mainly fruit snacks
ALL of his grandparents, "See Mimi/Diddy!!" "Call Opa/Nanna!!" "Where are you Pampa's/Gama??"
"Toopa's where are you??" =Cooper where are you??
"Tri-nan-le"=triangle and he is great at pointing out shapes :)
"cir-dle" circle
He just about knows what most things are and is now trying to put everything into sentences. He can now also count to 14 which is soooo cute!

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