Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Dec 18, 2012

What's happening

Here is a few pics of what we have been up to. The pic of the cow was in Manchester, TN. I went up there b/c sadly Pop pop's cousin passed away suddenly last week. It was a very very sad service.
Then we had last Friday to deal with. I still can't get over what happened in Connecticut. I think about it everyday and can't wrap my head around the thought that such a thing can and does happen in our country. Anything we have been dealing with just seems petty. I pray all the time for those families and all their loved ones who are surely being loved and taken care of by God right now. Of course as a parent you think of your own children's mortality and its just hard to shrug it off. Thinking about what those other 20 moms and dads and loved ones are going through. Heavy heart and a lot of prayers.

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