Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

May 22, 2012

Imagination Movers Concert!

One of my sorority sister's posted on Facebook that she had 4 free tickets to the Imagination Movers concert at the CobbEnergy Theater and I wrote as fast as I could that we wanted them!  They are just the sweetest kid rock group!  Plus, me and the kids needed something to do while John went to work on a Saturday.  Well, not sure how much you can tell from these pics, but the kids LOVED it!  It was like a true rock concert.  It was VERY dark (my pictures don't do it justice) and best of all I LOVED it too!  The music was awesome-they even played some Kiss, Blink 182, was soooo fun!!! Lots of adult humor with the kid.  Also, watching the kids light up was just such a treat.  It just warms my heart to see them enjoy something like that so much.  Bailey danced NON-STOP-and would not leave the aisle for anything ;)  Jackson sat extremely happy in his chair most of the time doing the hand motions they were telling him to do :)  He asked me about 20 times "it's not over yet is it Mom?!?".  On the way home he repeat EXACTLY what happened during the concert.  He is just like his Mama and is VERY focused when watching a show or T.V.  Would highly recommend going to see them!

 Bailey singing, "Jump up, get down, stand up, turn around...turn around...turn around!"
 I was soooo proud of my shy Jackson in this picture!  He got up and ran over to "Smitty" and gave him a big high five!  Way to go buddy!!