We had a wonderful Christmas :) I have been a little behind b/c my computer was acting up and John installed Windows 8 on it and now I have to learn how to use it again ;) Sadly I don't have a single picture from the Ballard Family Christmas b/c everyones computers are on the fritz and I forgot my camera that day :(
Playing Hungry Hungry Hippos with Uncle Steve
Bailey was hysterical about her gloves! She has worn they everyday...all the time since :)
Here he is Christmas morning when he first walked in the room. It was by far the best Christmas for Jackson, he really got everything this year. He understood that Santa was coming and even told someone that he would make sure the fire was out so that Santa wouldn't get hurt, melt my heart!
Here he is opening the gift he wanted Santa to bring him this year...Dinosaurs with wheels on them. He was SOOOO excited!
And we can't forget what Santa brought to our 3rd child ;)