I just wanted to say a special THANKS to my Mom who came over yesterday and helped me with the kids. It was one of those days :( I have just been SOOO busy lately, its crazy. She walked up to the doorstep and heard the screaming and thought...uhhhh no...meltdown central. And it was, from ME, BAILEY, and JACKSON! LOL She came right in and took over the kids for me. I was on the phone with another real estate agent who said, "I am sorry, I can't hear you" to which I replied, "I can't hear myself!!!" She helped me feed them, clean up and take them on errands. It was SOOO amazing to have her there and it was a blessing that she actual came yesterday. I was doing a TON of paperwork for a real estate transaction and doing that on top of my normal everyday activities is extremely hard. I am just half the Mom I should be during those times.
I just feel like "stay-at-home" Mom's get a bad rap. We don't have "anything" to do all day right?!!? WRONG!!! We are the maid, cook (for 3 meals a day...cooking and cleaning up!), laundry do-ers, doctors, bath givers, diaper changers, poop cleaner-uppers when its spread all over the room (like it was AGAIN this morning), dog feeders, baby feeders, grocery shoppers, taxi to anywhere the kids or myself or John needs me to go, nail trimmer, book reader, potty trainers, put kids down for a nap, constant entertainer, lifeguard, snack giver, tooth brusher, hair brusher, clothes dresser, clothes organizer, clothes seller, stain remover-er, toy picker-upper, clothes packer, disciplinarians, the list is endless. On top of all that, we have other things we need to do, like brush our OWN hair, or take our OWN shower~which I usually have to take with Jackson while Bailey sleeps. My hours of "work" are from 7:45am-8:30pm. We have NO privacy ALL day~I almost 100% of the time go to the bathroom with Bailey, Jackson, and Cooper (our dog) saying "no no Bailey, Jackson put that down, Cooper-go!". We don't get to do much AT ALL without having the kids around...need to find a certain dress for a special event...how about taking my almost 3 year old and 1 year old with you for a couple hours and see if you can find anything!!! How easily people forget that it is NOT easy to just stay at home. I am also not saying that if you work you have it easy, I am just asking that people to realize just because I don't, doesn't mean I don't work hard.
Can you tell I have had a LONG week already?!?!? hahahaha
Olivia's 6th Birthday Party
8 years ago
This whole post just had me laughing! I think mamas have the toughest job around! It does come with some pretty good rewards though! Thank goodness for grandmas and for patient mamas like you who will get up and do it all over again tomorrow...and the next day...with a smile!
Let's get real here Michelle, we both know what you were REALLY doing yesterday...(Matlock and Murder she wrote marathons, while Jackson gave Bailey a bath and Cooper fed them lunch!) You're not fooling me ;)
You are awesome! LOVE YOU!
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