Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Nov 18, 2008

Jackson Arrives!!

Jackson was born October 2, 2008. He weighed 7lbs 14oz & was 20 inches long. He has blue eyes and light brown hair (what little hair is on the back of his head!) I had a great labor and delivery and John and I just couldn't believe he was FINALLY here (after all he was 4 days late). Jackson screamed for his first 20 minutes of his life and was awake at least half the day after that! He was a perfect angel in the hospital, except for the few times he tried to poop on his dad :)

Coming home was so surreal. I don't think either of us could still believe that we actually had a baby...OUR BABY! hahaha Our first night was not a good one to say the least, he screamed almost the whole night! After the second night things got much better. He still woke up every 2 hours for feedings...but didn't cry much in between for the next two weeks.

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